Lalcap Ltd

Welcome to Lalcap Ltd

  • A London, UK based company specialising in doing business with India and also other parts of the world

  • Production of its renowned India Reports – a macroeconomic note on India published twice monthly

  • Over a number of years relationships have been established and nurtured with capital providers across the globe, including banks, hedge funds, family offices and high net worth professional clients.

  • Lalcap does business through an international network of associates.

  • Lalcap’s expertise in the Indian market has been gained from a ‘hands on’ involvement in this area over many years. In addition, introductions can be made to very senior level contacts across various sectors in private and public enterprises in the UK, India, the Middle East and the Far East. These relationships have been built and nurtured for over a quarter of a century.

The first issue was published on March 6, 1995. The India Report has been written by Deepak Lalwani for over 25 years, and is written up to thrice monthly. Over 1000+ reports have been written in this time. It is probably the most long standing,
consistent and influential report in the West on the unfolding India story since the economy started to open up to foreign investors.Click here…